This game is for two players 👤👤
This is a game where you have to guess the gems in the chest.
There are 6 types of chests.
But each player can see one side of chests.
For example, if player A can see the following:
And player B can see the following:
The chests are randomly ordered and randomly rotated.
Initially, you can check the chest by clicking it.
Then, you will receive the number of gems the chest has.
This number will help you guess how many gems the chest has.
Secondly, the opponent also checks one of the chests, excluding the one you have already chosen.
Finally, you will see the chest as follows, which is one of the examples.
Next, both players should place stones on the chests.
- The chest with your stone on top belongs to you.
- You can stack up to two stones on the chest.
- A player must obtain two chests.
- The players must take turns placing stones.
- If one player has already placed two stones on the chest, the other player can continue to place stones.
For example:
Finally, the player with the greater number of gems will win 🎉
But note, the player who obtains both of the chests with two gems will win in the end.